Archaeological news about the Archaeology of Later Medieval Europe from the Archaeology in Europe web site

Saturday, 30 January 2021

A stained glass graphic novel about medieval belief and the cult of Thomas Becket

Miracle window, Canterbury Cathedral, early 1200s. The first story in these panels concerns a man with leprosy called Ralph de Longeville. © The Chapter, Canterbury Cathedral.

From castration to leprosy, the Thomas Becket window going on show at the British Museum is like a medieval graphic novel

The British Museum’s long-awaited and much-delayed Thomas Becket exhibition promises a deep delve into the medieval world via a dizzying array of medieval objects, ranging from reliquaries and reliefs to illuminated manuscripts and ampullae.

But it is the extraordinary display of an entire medieval stained-glass window from Canterbury Cathedral that will provide the spectacular centerpiece of the exhibition, which marks 850 years since the former Archbishop of Canterbury was killed.

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